Recording and Hosting - What Can You Do

Our Team only consist of a few people and we cannot record every event within Brigham Health. There are solutions that you can use to record meetings, events and rounds. Our team will gladly edit and host your videos. Consent form will need to be signed by whomever is being filmed and sent to us at

Recording Solution

If you are ready to record your event there are a few different ways to of recording them. First find out how your meeting or event will meet and communicate. There are different solutions and options for different situations.

Video Conferencing
With a webcam or laptop you can record your meeting using software such as Zoom and Webex. Partners Collaborative Media can assist in setting up an account but there will be a cost. Using this form of software to record will also let multiple participant join your meeting and people can discuss. Depending on the software the file will be saved on a local PC or in the Cloud. Usually 2 participant are required for a meeting to be recorded.

Another way to use software to record is a free software called OBS Studio there is a small learning curve on how to use it but with practice it can be done easily and fast. Any recordings used with this software would be saved locally to the PC. Webcam or external mic and camera are supported by the software and it can also record the Desktop if Powerpoint is being used.

Video Camera
If you own a camera this is a good solution for our recording. Make sure to record in HD and have a good audio. If the camera is too far away from the subject the audio will not be good. There are solutions to overcome this. If you are looking to purchase a camera our team will gladly assist you in recommending a good product to purchase.

Smart Phone
If your only solution is your phone there are tricks to make a good video. Always record landscape on your phone. Dont use the zoom feature but try to get close physicaly to your subject as this helps with picture quality and audio.

Sending File and Hosting

If you are done recording and need to send us a file there are a few ways of doing so. DropBox is the best solution to sending us the file. Anyone under Partners Healthcare has access to DropBox. Other cloud solutions is Google Drive or OneDrive to send files. If your at the BWH campus you can physically give us the file as well.

We can host your videos but it is very important that whoever is being recorded to signs a consent form. We will NOT host your video without them. We can host videos to be within the Partners Network for only employees to view or outside the Partners Network so anyone in the world can view them.

If you still not sure what is the best solution please email us at and we can discuss.