Welcome to Medicine Morning Report Archive Links
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Event Date | Event Name | Presenter | Archive Link |
10.09.2024 | A 48-year-old woman presents with 3 weeks of wosening Doe and new chest pain | Erik Andrews, MD |
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09.30.2024 | 74yo presenting with lightthe adedness and syncope | Discussant: Matt Lopes |
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09.26.2024 | 57M with PMH of CAD s/p CABG (2020), pAfib (on Xarelto), TIA, PE (2016), bipolar disorder, obesity, HTN, DM 2, OSA, and AUD, who presented to the hospital with adbominal pain, f/t/h cholecystitis (s/p ERCP with sphincterotomy and s/p ucomplicated laparoscpoic cholecystectomy), found to have altered mental status | Dr. Maria Yialamas, Rachel Gardner |
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09.11.2024 | Morning Report | Hannah Borowsky, MD & Ping Sun, MD |
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09.05.2024 | Morning Report: 72 yo M who presents to ED with persistent fevers x4 weeks | Various Presenters |
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09.04.2024 | Bowel Blitz! | Discussant: Victor Kovac |
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09.03.2024 | Morning Report: 53 YO M Presenting with Chest Pain | Presenter: Maxwell D. Coll |
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8.29.2024 | Morning Report-62 year old man with a history of alcohol use disorder comes your primary care clinic to establish care | Discussant: Allison Vise, MD, Presenter: Ramon Rodriguez, CMR |
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8.28.2024 | Morning Report: 65 year old male with PMHx HTN, recent diagnosis of pancreatitis without clear explanation c/b pancreatic cyst who presents with abdominal pain and hematemesis | Discussant: Steve Steinway |
Archive Link | 8.27.2024 | Morning Report: A Case of Rapidly Progressice Hemolysis | Presenter: Michael Miller, MD, MSc, Discussant: Daniel Solomon, MD |
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8.26.2024 | Mysterious Case of Shock | Michael Miller, MD, MSc & Sanjay Divakaran, MD, MPH |
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8.22.2024 | Morning Report: a 56 year old woman with alcholic cirrhosis is admitted to the hospital with shortness of breath. She has a history of smoking 1 pack of cigarettes per day for the last 5 years and drank a 6-pack of beer daily until she quit drinking 1 year ago. Physical exam findings include digital clubbing, cyanosis, spider angiomas, and ascites. A chest x-ray is normal. An arterial blood gas reaveals a Pa02 of 56 mmHg with a normal Pa CO2 and Ph. She has an oxygen saturating of 87% on room air while standing and oxygen saturation on 93% while lying down. She is started on supplementary oxygen. | Discussant: Ryan Flanagan, MD |
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8.21.2024 | Morning Report: 62-year-old woman with a recent diagnosis of metastatic colon cancer, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and GERD who initially presentd with intractable nausea/vomiting, now found to have a new rash. | Discussant: Rebecca Gaffney, MD Presenter: Ramon Rodriguez, CMR |
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8.20.2024 | Morning Report: 38F hx alcohol-related cirrhosis c/b ascites, EV with prior bleed, and ?spur cell anemia, with long standing active EtOH use (down to 4 vodka nips daily, from 1 pint-1.75L daily) admitted as OSH transfer with shock in the setting of SBP an anuric AKI | Discussant: Esperance Shaefer, MD Presenter: Andrew Jenkins, MD |
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8.19.2024 | Morning Report: 71 year-old woman with history of hypothyroidism, type 2 diabetes and osteoarthr | Discussant: Tina Meade, MD, Presenter: Ramon Rodriguez, CMR |
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8.15.2024 | Morning Report: 32yo F with a history of MVP presents with daily high fevers (Tmax 104F) for 3 weeks | Discussant: John Ross, MD, Presenter: Nishu Uppal, MD, MBA |
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8.14.2024 | Morning Report: 52F admitted to GMS service receiving treatment for anemia and gastric ulcers | Discussant: Samantha GelfandMD, Presenter: Hannah Borowsky, MD |
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8.13.2024 | Morning Report: 67 yo M presents with dysuria | Discussant: Paul Sax, Presenter: Nishu Uppal, MD, MBA |
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8.12.2024 | Morning Report: Spodick's Sign | Discussant: David Leaf |
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8.5.2024 | Morning Report: 55-year-old woman with a history of hypertension, asthma, and obesity presenting with shortness of breath | Discussant: Rachel Putman, MD, Presenter: Ramon Rodriguez, CMR |
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7.11.2024 | Morning Report | Maxwell D. Coll |
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7.10.2024 | Morning Report: A 56YO Male Presents With Chest Pain | Maxwell D. Coll Discussant: You! |
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