Welcome to Medicine Morning Report Archive Links
The archived content from this page has been approved by the Department of Medicine; appropriate consent has been acknowledged and recorded through the BWH Residency Program; for questions or concerns please contact the Medicine Chief Residents at BWHMROChiefRes@partners.org
Event Date | Event Name | Presenter | Archive Link |
2.14.2025 | 63M with history of T2DM, HTN, and MGUS presenting for to PJC for PCP follow up. | Pedro Sanchez, MD | Archive Link |
2.13.2025 | 28F found unresponsive by roommates in a bathtub with a bottle of empty Tylenol next to her. | Chanu Rhee, MD, MPH | Archive Link |
2.11.2025 | 44M presenting with one week of fevers and cough. | Jennifer Thomalla, MD Daniel Solomon, MD |
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2.10.2025 | 21M with no PMH presenting with intermittent fever, night sweats, and abdominal pain with loose stools | Dr. Anne LaCasce | Archive Link |
2.6.2025 | 54F with history of HTN presenting to PCP office for episode of decreased vision. | Maria Yialamas, MD | Archive Link |
2.5.2025 | 89 y/o female presenting from her long-term living facility with acute on chronic fatigue | Jennifer Thomalla, MD | Archive Link |
2.4.2025 | 50yo F w/ Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension(CTEPH), lower uterine segment fibroid s/p recent TAH and BSO, presenting with two weeks of abdominal discomfort, nausea, and progressive shortness of breath | Presenter: Ramon Rodriguez, CMR Discussant: Katherine H. Walker, MD, MSc | Archive Link |
2.3.2025 | 78F w/ history of HTN, CAD, HFrecEF, AF, and prior L humeral fracture s/p ORIF & total elbow arthoplasty (2023) c/b joint infection who presents with several days of altered mental status, malaise, and rash x 1 week | Presenter: Chiaka Aribeana, Discussant: Dr. David Leaf | Archive Link |
1.31.2025 | Double Feature | Discussant: Miguel Linares, MD MPH Presenter: Ramon Rodriguez, CMR | Archive Link |
1.30.2025 | 44f with a history of L breast cancer s/p lumpectomy and radiation therapy, presenting with 5 days of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. |
Chiaka Aribeana & Discussant: Drew Jenkins | Archive Link |
1.28.2025 | 49F with history of hemochromatosis and recent history of metastatic colorectal cancer presenting with chest pressure. | Ping Sun, MD | Archive Link |
1.27.2025 | 44-year-old Spanish-speaking man with reported history of hypertension who presents to your clinic to establisth care and with complaints of right leg pain | Discussant: Sonja Solomon, MD, Presenter: Ramon Rodriguez, CMR | Archive Link |
1.23.2025 | 62-year-old man with a history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and chronic non-bloody diarrhea presenting with intermittent episodes of bloody diarrhea concerning for persistent GI bleed. | Discussant: Molly Perencevich, MD Presenter Ramon Rodriguez, CMR | Archive Link |
1.22.2025 | 56M with History of L wrist pain for the past year thought to be seronegative Ra Presenting with worsening L wrist pain and swelling. |
Bret Amundson, MD | Archive Link |
1.15.2025 | 47M who has been struggling with weight loss presents to primary care. BMI is 37 and A1c is 5.6 He saw a commercial about Wegovy and would love to try it! | Hannah Borwsky, MD, Discussant: Carl Pallais, MD, MPH | Archive Link |
1.13.2025 | 74 y.o. F found by her husband to be obtuned with hypothermia | Maria Yialmas, MD | Archive Link |
1.9.2025 | Urgent Care Visit: 27-year-old patient, R hip pain, What do you want to know? | Presenter: Ben Rabin, PGY-2 Discussant: Rachel Putnam, Division of Pulmonary Critical Care |
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1.8.2025 | Urgent Care Visit: 27-year-old patient, R hip pain, What do you want to know? | Presenter: Ben Rabin, PGY-2 Discussant: Rachel Putnam, Division of Pulmonary Critical Care |
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1.7.2025 | 51M with no PMH presents to Jen Center urgent care clinic with a one-week history of dyspnea and non-productive cough | With Paul Sax | Archive Link |
1.6.2025 | 61F w/ metastic ovarian cancer (BRCA1+) on palliative chemotherapy c/b thrombocytopenia and leukopenia, HTN, and remote breast cancer who presents with 5 days of nausea, poor PO intake and confusiont | Presenter: Ben Rabin, PGY-2 Discussant: Rachel Putnam, Division of Pulmonary Critical Care |
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12.18.2024 | Morning Report | Hannah Borowsky, MD David Mount, MD |
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12.17.2024 | So You Want to Order a Stress Test? | Emily Lau, MD |
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12.16.2024 | Morning Report | Hannah Borowsky, MD |
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12.12.2024 | 47 y/o M w/hx of nonischemic dilated CM (EF 30 -> 45%), monomorophic VT s/p ICD (8/2021) and VT ablation (10/2021), b/l sympathectomy (2/2022) presenting after c/f ICD discharge | Nati Fessehaie and Maria Yialmas |
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12.09.2024 | 19M with dyspnea and AMS | Maguire Herriman, MD; John Ross, MD |
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12.05.2024 | A 68 y/o man PMH of mild HTN, CAD, presents to BWFH ED with acute generalized abdominal pain. He has not had a bowel movement or had flatulence in 24 hours. Exam is remarkable for abdominal distention and tenderness in the entire abdomen. | Presenter: Drew Jenkins (Chief), Discussant: Emilie Mitten (Hepatology) |
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12.04.2024 | Global Medical Education: Case Studies from Mexico and Vietnam | Lillian Zerihun, MD |
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12.03.2024 | 39-year-old woman with recent diagnosis of HIV who presents with two months of progressive dyspnea, fatigue, and weight loss | Discussant: Paul E. Sax, MD |
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11.25.2024 | 86 y/o female with PMHx CAD s/p PCI, afib, HTN, HLD, GERD presents for PCP for annual appointment | Discussant: Amanda Berling, Facilitator: Ramon Rodriguex, CMR |
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11.21.2024 | 54F without significant PMH presents to primary care w/ changing mole on L forearem | Presenter Hannah Borowsky, Discussant: Andy Knight, MD |
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11.20.2024 | 40-year-old women with a history of metastatic soft tissue sarcoma metastatic perivascular epithelioid cell neoplasm |
Manuel Fanarjian, MD & Ramon Rodriguez, CMR |
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11.19.2024 | 42-year-old male presents to BWH ED with complaints of nausea, vomiting, and generalized weakness | Presenter: Sachit Singal M.D. Discussant J. Carl Pallais, M.D., M.P.H |
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11.18.2024 | Morning Report- 39-year-old woman with no significant past medical history presents with 1 week of easy bruising and gum bleeding | Presenter: Ramon A. Rodriguez CMR, Discussant: Richard M. Stone, MD |
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11.12.2024 | 19M w/ Sickle Cell Disease p/w acute onset chest pain. | Presenter: Hannah Borowsky, MD
Discussant: Paul Sax, MD |
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11.11.2024 | Drop the Beat EKG | Maxwell Coll, Paul Sonenthal |
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11.07.2024 | 70M p/w progressively worsening excruciating burning pain in bilateral plantar surfaces | Presenter: Hannah Borowsky, MD
Discussant: Maria Yialamas, MD |
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11.06.2024 | 58yo woman w/ PMHx ESRD, HTN, Sarcoid presents with hypertension and SOB | Mariana Castells |
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11.05.2024 | 67 y.o. right-handed male with PMH of HTN, D2M, GERD, and BPPV presents to the ED with chief complaint of "dizziness" | Nupur Goel MD, Galina Gheihman MD |
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11.04.2024 | 66 year-old man with primary refractory transformed double hit follicular lymphoma s/p BR and REPOCH admitted for CAR T | Discussant: Caron A. Jacobson, MD, MMSc |
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10.31.2024 | Morning Report- 58 yo male presents with progressive hand pain | Presenter: Davis Hartnett; Discussant: Elena Massarotti |
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10.30.2024 | Morning Report: A 62y.o. Female presents with altered mental status and agitation | Discussant: Dr. Hartnett & Dr. Hamnvik |
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10.29.2024 | 52 YO W/PMHX HFPEF (EF 50%), T2DM, PAF, ESRD on HD presents for lightheadedness after dialysis | Discussant: Lee Goldman |
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10.28.2024 | 48 year old male with a history of stage IV diffuse large B-ce lymphoma (DLBCL) with CNS involvement (s/p) hyper-CVAD x 4w/ complete response after 2 cycles of therapy and s/p autologous stem cell transplant (2019)) and T2DM presenting with shoulder pain | Discussant Richard Leither, MD, MA Facilitator: Ramon Rodriguez |
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10.24.2024 | 73 y.o. male with hx of HTN, ESRD (lgM nephropathy) presents to establish care with new PCP | Discussant: Maria Pabon |
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10.22.2024 | 70-year-old man is evaluated for a 5-month history of bloating and nonbloody diarrhea. Diarrhea occurs three times daily. Bowel movements include oil droplets and require multiple flushes. Reports no abdominal pain. Has lost 2.3 kg (5 lb) since symptoms | Discussant: Epsy Schaefer |
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10.21.2024 | Morning Report: Weird Symptoms | Presenter: Boubini Jones-Wonniel Discussant: Dr. Nancy Berliner |
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10.16.2024 | Morning Report: 29-year-old presents with diffuse pruritus | Presenter: Maxwell D. Coll |
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10.15.2024 | 79-year-old woman with a history of cardiac sarcoidosis and doxorbiucin-induced cardiomyopathy status-post orthopedic heart transplant (OHT) and atrial fibrillation who presents with shortness of breath and new nodular skin lesions | Discussant: Ann Woolley, MD, MPH, Presenter: Ramon Rodriguez, CMR |
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10.10.2024 | 23 year old man presents with 1 day of worsening N/V and abd. pain. Previous medical hx: none that he is aware of. Had some kind of abd. surgery as a kid but does not recall details. Not atny medications, uses protein supplements | Discussant: Maria Yialamas, MD, Presenter: Miguel Algara, MD |
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10.09.2024 | A 48-year-old woman presents with 3 weeks of wosening Doe and new chest pain | Erik Andrews, MD |
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10.08.2024 | 36yo man with no known PMH presents to urgent care with 1 day of sore throat and fever | Discussant: Joel Katz, MD, Presenter: Hannah Borowsky, MD |
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10.07.2024 | 83 year-old Spanish-speaking woman with a past medical history of hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, GERD, and osteoarthritis presents for annual wellness visit | Discussant Pedro Sanchez, MD, Presenter: Ramon Rodriguez, CMR |
Archive Link | 10.03.2024 | 62YO F W/PMHX HTN, HLD, T2DM PRESENTS WITH PALPITAIONS AND LIGHTHEADEDNESS | Discussant: Tom Tadros | Archive Link |
10.02.2024 | 51-year-old woman with a history of type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and heart failure presents with two weeks of postural lightheadedness and malaise | Discussant: J. Kevin Tucker, MD, Facilitator: Ramon A. Rodriguez, CMR |
Archive Link | 10.01.2024 | A-45-year-old woman presents with fever and dysuria. | Discussant: Paul Sax, MD, Presenter: Will Ford, MD | Archive Link |
09.30.2024 | 74yo presenting with lightthe adedness and syncope | Discussant: Matt Lopes |
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09.26.2024 | 57M with PMH of CAD s/p CABG (2020), pAfib (on Xarelto), TIA, PE (2016), bipolar disorder, obesity, HTN, DM 2, OSA, and AUD, who presented to the hospital with adbominal pain, f/t/h cholecystitis (s/p ERCP with sphincterotomy and s/p ucomplicated laparoscpoic cholecystectomy), found to have altered mental status | Dr. Maria Yialamas, Rachel Gardner |
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09.25.2024 | 35yo man presenting to urgent care with feeling of intense itchiness inside his right ear of the last two weeks | Presenter: Hannah Borowsky, MD, Discussant: Staci Eisenberg, MD |
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09.23.2024 | 38-year-old man with type 1 diabetes mellitus and hemochromatosis comes to the office for a routine health maintenance examination. Medical history is otherwise unremarkable. | Presenter: Andrew Jenkins |
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09.19.2024 | Morning Report: 65yo Woman w/ No Significant Past Medical History Presents with 4 weeks of fatigue and exertional dyspnea | Presenter: Ramon Rodriguez CMR Discussant: Marlise R. Luskin, MD, MSCE |
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09.17.2024 | 79-year-old female with a history of hypertension and urinary incontinence presenting with lower extremity edema and shortness of breath | Discussant: Amanda Garfinkel, MD, Facilitator: Ramon A. Rodriguez, CMR |
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09.16.2024 | Morning Report: A Case of Dyspnea on Exertion | Presenter: Ethan Samet, MD, MEd, PGY-3, Discussant: Nathan Connell, MD, MPH, FACP |
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09.11.2024 | Morning Report: 57M w/HTN, AVR (2000, re-op 2013) and recent MVR (2024) present w/ progresively worsening fatigue. | Hannah Borowsky, MD & Ping Sun, MD |
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09.10.2024 | 59 Year old male has a history of hypertension, high cholesterol and porcine aortic valve replacement in 2006. 3 weeks ago he started to develop chills, fatigue, and feeling generally unwell | Resident: Kristene Tadese, PGY3, Discussant: Dr. Paul Sax |
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09.09.2024 | 48 year old man presents to your PCP office with two weeks of myalgias, subjective fevers, night sweats malaise and fatigue. What additional questions do you have and what are other things you would want to know about his history/presentation? | Presenter: Kristene Tadese, MD, PGY3, Clinical Expert: Chief Medical Residents |
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09.06.2024 | 76M no siginificant PMH presents to ED | Presenter: Hannah Borowsky, MD, Discussant: Greg Piazza |
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09.05.2024 | Morning Report: 72 yo M who presents to ED with persistent fevers x4 weeks | Various Presenters |
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09.04.2024 | Bowel Blitz! | Discussant: Victor Kovac |
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09.03.2024 | Morning Report: 53 YO M Presenting with Chest Pain | Presenter: Maxwell D. Coll |
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8.29.2024 | Morning Report-62 year old man with a history of alcohol use disorder comes your primary care clinic to establish care | Discussant: Allison Vise, MD, Presenter: Ramon Rodriguez, CMR |
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8.28.2024 | Morning Report: 65 year old male with PMHx HTN, recent diagnosis of pancreatitis without clear explanation c/b pancreatic cyst who presents with abdominal pain and hematemesis | Discussant: Steve Steinway |
Archive Link | 8.27.2024 | Morning Report: A Case of Rapidly Progressice Hemolysis | Presenter: Michael Miller, MD, MSc, Discussant: Daniel Solomon, MD |
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8.26.2024 | Mysterious Case of Shock | Michael Miller, MD, MSc & Sanjay Divakaran, MD, MPH |
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8.22.2024 | Morning Report: a 56 year old woman with alcholic cirrhosis is admitted to the hospital with shortness of breath. She has a history of smoking 1 pack of cigarettes per day for the last 5 years and drank a 6-pack of beer daily until she quit drinking 1 year ago. Physical exam findings include digital clubbing, cyanosis, spider angiomas, and ascites. A chest x-ray is normal. An arterial blood gas reaveals a Pa02 of 56 mmHg with a normal Pa CO2 and Ph. She has an oxygen saturating of 87% on room air while standing and oxygen saturation on 93% while lying down. She is started on supplementary oxygen. | Discussant: Ryan Flanagan, MD |
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8.21.2024 | Morning Report: 62-year-old woman with a recent diagnosis of metastatic colon cancer, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and GERD who initially presentd with intractable nausea/vomiting, now found to have a new rash. | Discussant: Rebecca Gaffney, MD Presenter: Ramon Rodriguez, CMR |
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8.20.2024 | Morning Report: 38F hx alcohol-related cirrhosis c/b ascites, EV with prior bleed, and ?spur cell anemia, with long standing active EtOH use (down to 4 vodka nips daily, from 1 pint-1.75L daily) admitted as OSH transfer with shock in the setting of SBP an anuric AKI | Discussant: Esperance Shaefer, MD Presenter: Andrew Jenkins, MD |
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8.19.2024 | Morning Report: 71 year-old woman with history of hypothyroidism, type 2 diabetes and osteoarthr | Discussant: Tina Meade, MD, Presenter: Ramon Rodriguez, CMR |
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8.15.2024 | Morning Report: 32yo F with a history of MVP presents with daily high fevers (Tmax 104F) for 3 weeks | Discussant: John Ross, MD, Presenter: Nishu Uppal, MD, MBA |
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8.14.2024 | Morning Report: 52F admitted to GMS service receiving treatment for anemia and gastric ulcers | Discussant: Samantha GelfandMD, Presenter: Hannah Borowsky, MD |
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8.13.2024 | Morning Report: 67 yo M presents with dysuria | Discussant: Paul Sax, Presenter: Nishu Uppal, MD, MBA |
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8.12.2024 | Morning Report: Spodick's Sign | Discussant: David Leaf |
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8.08.2024 | Morning Report | Discussant: Maria Yialamas |
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8.07.2024 | Morning Report: 58F found to have abnormal LFTs on routine outpatient labs presenting to ED further eval | Presenter: Hannah Borowsky MD, Discussant: Steve Zucker, MD |
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8.06.2024 | Morning Report: 76M no siginificant PMH presents to ED | Presenter: Hannah Borowsky, MD Discussant: Greg Piazza |
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8.05.2024 | Morning Report: 55-year-old woman with a history of hypertension, asthma, and obesity presenting with shortness of breath | Discussant: Rachel Putman, MD, Presenter: Ramon Rodriguez, CMR |
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7.23.2024 | 48YO Woman, No HX on file found down at apartment coming in hot! | Presenter: Maxwell Coll MD, Discussant: David Berg, MD |
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7.22.2024 | 94-year-old male with a history of PE s/p cardiac arrest c/b CVA (on Warfarin) with residual cognitive impairment, osteoarthritis, diverticulitis c/b ileostomy, CKD stage 3, seronegative RA and gout who presents with numerous falls in the past month | Presenter: Ramon A. Rodriguez, MD Discussant: Matt DiFrancesco, MD |
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7.18.2024 | A 59yoM presents with 1 day of lighheadness and nuasea | Presenter: Samer Hassan, Discussant: Maria Yialamas, MD |
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7.17.2024 | 45M hx GERD presents with epigastric pain and melena after 3 weeks of NSAID use in the setting of a broken foot | Presenter: Andrew Jenkins, MD, Discussant: Daniel Stein, MD |
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7.15.2024 | 21-year-old woman with a past medical history of migraines presents to the emergency department with streaks of blood in her emesis | Maxwell D. Coll |
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7.11.2024 | Morning Report | Presenter: Ramon A Rodriguez, MD, Discussant: Robert Stern, MD, EdM |
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7.10.2024 | Morning Report: A 56YO Male Presents With Chest Pain | Maxwell D. Coll Discussant: You! |
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